Getting to Exuma
How to get to Exuma, Bahamas
All Exuma Exclusives homes are located on the same island in the Bahamas with no boating required once landing. To fly into Exuma, you will need to travel to George Town International Airport (Airport Code GGT). The airports listed below have frequent, direct flights to the island. These flights are typically flown by American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Air Canada, and Silver Airways. Bahamas Air also services Exuma through other islands within the Bahamas (mostly Nassau), which can be an efficient option if you are visiting multiple islands during your vacation.
Note: COVID may have impacted certain routes. Post-COVID, it is expected that routes will become more frequent again.
Looking for accommodation? View our rentals in Great Exuma and Little Exuma:

Breathtaking plane rides …
Ferry Service
If you are exploring other islands prior to arriving at Exuma, Ferry service may be the most cost efficient option to get to the island.
Bahamas Ferries typically offers service from Nassau to George Town on Mondays and Wednesdays, arriving the next day. The ferry ride is approximately 10 hours long, and typically costs $71 for a one-way ticket or $130 for a round trip ticket (please see the Bahamas Ferries Website for accurate pricing and travel schedules).
The mail boat - Grand Master - typically travels from Nassau to George Town on Tuesdays and returns back to Nassau on Thursdays. The boat ride is approximately 14 hours long and typically costs $45 each way. For more information, contact the Dock Masters Office in Nassau at (242) 393-1064.